
Private Student Loans - Dispelling The Myths

Private Student Loans - dispelling the myths

If savings, grants, scholarships, and federal loans don't cover the cost of your education, it's time to turn to private loans. But young college students can't qualify for a private loan, can they? Wrong! This article addresses this and other myths about student loans that you may run into.

I don't have any collateral, so I can't get a private loan.

Private loans are usually unsecured, which means no collateral is required. On the downside, this may also mean a higher interest rate.

I don't have a good credit history (or no credit history at all)

Since the government doesn't back private loans, your credit history is a consideration in being approved for a loan. If your credit history is bad or non-existent, you may be subject to a higher interest rate. And remember, you can always get a co-signer. Pay your loan off on time, and soon you will have a good credit history!

I have enough funds for tuition and fees, so I can't get a private loan

In addition to paying tuition and fees, funds from private loans can be used to cover living expenses, supplies, computers, and other everyday living needs.

I can't afford to make payments on a loan while I am still in school

For most loans, your principal and interest payments can be deferred while you are enrolled in school. Another option is to make interest payments while you are in school but defer paying off the principal. Your interest payments might even be tax-deductible!

I missed the deadline for applying for financial aid this year

You can apply for private student loans any time - there is no deadline. Depending on the financial institution you choose, you can be pre-approved in minutes and have the money (which will be sent directly to you) within a matter of days.

I don't have a bank to apply through

Private loans are offered by thousands of banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. Just search the internet for "private student loans" and you will find many places to apply to.

If you need the additional funds provided by private loans, don't let myths and misconceptions keep you from applying!

This article is distributed by NextStudent. At NextStudent, we believe that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and we're dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding as easy as possible. We invite you to learn more about Private Student Loans at .

My goal is to help every student succeed - education is one of hte most important things a person can have, so I have made it my personal mission to help every student pay for their education. Aside from that, I am just a pretty average girl from SD.



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